Board Oversight and Custom Board Portals (Board’s Eye View)
We also help boards and executives make higher and better use of their existing board portals. Currently, most systems use their board portals for secure meeting agendas and minutes and are under-utilized. The result is many boards are mired in data, deep in the weeds, and not getting the insights they need to make key decisions.
We can help develop more usable and accessible means for boards to make informed strategic and policy decisions and to exercise their oversight responsibilities. Board’s Eye View will help improve:
Insights for required decisions
Insights for oversight of the delegated authority
Insights for improved signal detection, pattern recognition, and adaptive responses
We actively engage executives and the boards to:
Customize/enhance your existing Board portal (whether the portal is COTS or custom)
Aggregate data analytics to improve signal detection and pattern recognition
Establish links to supporting data, information, and intelligence
Link to powers reserved for the board and its committees
Framework for policy briefs
Enable aggregation and drill down
Link to performance metrics and reassurance activities e.g., internal audit and other independent parties
Improve onboarding and continuing education